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The Story Behind the Collection

I have chosen to call my new 2021 bridal collection “LA BELLE EPOQUE”. The beautiful epoch is a term for a period of optimism, economic and technological prosperity, and artistic flourishing that prevailed in Europe in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

At that time, the style of art and design that dominated was called Art Nouveau. This art movement was influenced by many motifs of nature, and this is primarily my inspiration for the collection. Although we are in a period of a global pandemic, social distancing and other restrictions in so many fields, I chose this name that reflects an opposite period.

The truth is that my dedicated team and I started working on the collection before this started, and due to the restrictions, and the shutdown, we had to stop working on it for a while because we devoted all of our resources to working on bride orders. About two months ago I decided that it would be right to continue the collection, and to not give up because of the virus.

My team worked around the clock to finally launch it, and for that I am grateful. I think that in these difficult times it is more important than ever to dream, and I am sure that soon we will be able to return to a normal life; fly abroad without worries, go to a concert and get married with all the people we love by our side.

The inspiration behind “La Belle Epoque” goes beyond just the aesthetic. It is about capturing the spirit of a time when people were optimistic about the future and celebrated the joys of life. In a world that has been turned upside down by a global pandemic, this collection is a reminder of the beauty and hope that still exist. It is an invitation for brides to dream again, to look forward to their special day with excitement and joy, and to celebrate love in all its forms.

We hope that it inspires brides to embrace their dreams and look forward to a future filled with love and happiness. I am proud and excited to launch “LA BELLE EPOQUE” S/S 2021 collection. With love, Lee Grebenau.

The Story Behind the Collection

I have named my new 2021 bridal collection “LA BELLE EPOQUE,” inspired by the period of optimism, prosperity, and artistic flourishing in late 19th and early 20th century Europe. Influenced by Art Nouveau and its nature motifs, this collection reflects an era of beauty and hope, even amidst our current global pandemic.

Despite the challenges and restrictions, my dedicated team and I decided to continue working on the collection, and we have finally launched it. This collection captures the spirit of a time when people celebrated life and looked forward to the future with joy.

It serves as a reminder of the beauty and hope that still exist, inviting brides to dream again and look forward to their special day with excitement. I am proud and excited to launch “LA BELLE EPOQUE” S/S 2021 collection. With love, Lee Grebenau.
La Belle Epoque


La Belle Epoque


La Belle Epoque


La Belle Epoque


La Belle Epoque


La Belle Epoque


La Belle Epoque


La Belle Epoque


La Belle Epoque


La Belle Epoque


La Belle Epoque


La Belle Epoque


La Belle Epoque


La Belle Epoque


La Belle Epoque


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